EuroSea [2019-2023]

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EuroSea deep and BGC floats deployed during the OVIDE-BOTCATS (top left)  and the PIRATA-FR31 cruises (top right) (WP7). 

Bottom left: 7th international Argo Science Workshop meeting (WP3). Bottom right: OceanObservers comic book (WP8).

Euro-Argo main achievements

  •  WP3

As part of WP3, Euro-Argo strengthened its links with other ocean observing networks, e.g. through the participation in the Ocean Gliders Best Practice developments. Euro-Argo was also involved in assessing the status of the European Ocean Observing networks status (D3.2 and D3.18) and the definition of the EuroSea strategic vision (D3.8).

Euro-Argo ERIC Office worked with Ifremer and CNRS, plus some volunteers from the Euro-Argo Management Board, to write a new Argo deployment strategy for the Deep-Argo and BGC-Argo missions (D3.16). This provides some new insight on how Euro-Argo plans to contribute to one fourth of the OneArgo array at the horizon 2030, including a rationale and some targets in terms of number of floats to be maintained in specific regions.

  • WP7

In the frame of the WP7, the project allowed Euro-Argo ERIC to deploy 5 BGC and 6 Deep Argo floats. They can be monitored on the following dashboard:

Specific studies were undertaken as part of WP7 based on the Argo data acquired thanks to these deployments (among other datasets), such as improvement of the procedures for the Delayed Mode Quality Control of pH measurements, and estimate of magnitude and drivers of regional carbon variability for the two deployments regions (Labrador Sea and tropical Atlantic).

  • WP8

The project supported the comic book ‘A journey with Ocean Observers’. This joint OceanOPS/Euro-Argo ERIC initiative aims to contribute to a greater understanding of ocean observations by readers aged 10 and over.

Euro-Argo ERIC has led the work of the following deliverables:

- D3.16 Euro-Argo updated strategy:

- D7.1 Report on demo mission and dissemination pathways of obtained data based on different observational platforms:

- D7.2 Development of BGC- Argo data quality validation  based on an integrative multi-platform approach:

- D7.3 Estimate of magnitude and drivers of regional carbon variability for both regions:

Associated publications

Asselot, R., Carracedo, L.I., Thierry, V. et al. Anthropogenic carbon pathways towards the North Atlantic interior revealed by Argo-O2, neural networks and backcalculations. Nat Commun 15, 1630 (2024).

The following paper has benefited from the work started in EuroSea project:

Wimart-Rousseau, C., Steinhoff, T., Klein, B., Bittig, H., and Körtzinger, A.: Technical note: Assessment of float pH data quality control methods – a case study in the subpolar northwest Atlantic Ocean, Biogeosciences, 21, 1191–1211, 2024.

EuroSea legacy

Click here to have access to all the deliverables: 

EuroSea legacy report:

EuroSea declaration: