Euro-Argo Data Centres
The Euro-Argo RI plays an active role in Argo data management :
- France (Coriolis) hosts one of the two Global Data Assembly Centres (GDAC)
- Two DACs (Data Assembly Centres) are operated by France (Coriolis) and UK (BODC) :
- The French DAC : The French Argo Data Centre, Coriolis, which is located within Ifremer-Brest and operated by Ifremer with support of SHOM, processes float data deployed by France and from other European (Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria) and several non European countries (e.g. Chile, Mexico).
- The UK DAC : The UK Argo Data Centre, which is established at BODC, processes all UK, Irish and Mauritian float data.
- Euro-Argo partners lead and contribute to three ARCs (Argo Regional Centres) :
- Atlantic ARC (A-ARC) : Partners involved in Argo Activities in the Atlantic (80N to 30S) have decided to collaborate with each other to establish the Atlantic Argo Regional Center (A-ARC). Countries involved are at present Germany (IFM-HH, BSH), Spain (IEO), Italy (OGS), Netherlands (KNMI), UK (NOC), Ireland (MI), Norway (IMR), Canada (DFO), and USA (AOML). Within the NA-ARC BSH and Hamburg University coordinate the activities in the Nordic Seas.
- Mediterranean and Black Seas ARC (Med-ARC) : Italy (OGS) has taken the lead in establishing the MED-ARC, which is a collaborative effort between Greece (HCMR), Spain (IEO), France (IFREMER, UPMC/LOV), Bulgaria (IO-BAS, USOF).
- Southern Ocean ARC (SO-ARC) : The UK has taken the lead in establishing the SO-ARC. This is a collaborative effort between BODC (UK), CSIRO (Australia), BSH and AWI (Germany), JAMSTEC (Japan), University of Washington, MBARI and SIO (USA).