
ENVRI-FAIR is the connection of the Cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

The overarching goal is that at the end of the proposed project, all participating RIs (Research Infrastructure) have built a set of FAIR data services which enhances the efficiency and productivity of researchers, supports innovation, enables data- and knowledge-based decisions and connects the ENVRI Cluster to the EOSC.

This goal is reached by:

  • well defined community policies and standards on all steps of the data life cycle, aligned with the wider European policies, as well as with international developments;
  • each participating RI will have sustainable, transparent and auditable data services, for each step of data life cycle, compliant to the FAIR principles;
  • the focus of the proposed work is put on the implementation of prototypes for testing pre-production services at each RI; the catalogue of prepared services is defined for each RI independently, depending on the maturity of the involved RIs;
  • the complete set of thematic data services and tools provided by the ENVRI cluster is exposed under the EOSC catalogue of services via EOSC-hub.


  1. Develop further the common standards and policies for data life cycle, cataloguing, curation, provenance and service provision within ENVRIs.
  2. Develop and implement in each RI the necessary tools for reaching TOP 1, thereby adopting an open approach to sharing data and software.
  3. Improve skills of personnel in the RIs to develop and maintain the FAIR infrastructures through extensive training programs.
  4. Increase the potential for innovation of each RI by establishing a specific ENVRI-FAIR service catalogue section in the EOSC catalogue.
  5. Establish cohesion with global RI landscape, incl. RI clusters and regional/international initiatives in the environmental sector.
  6. Expose thematic data services and tools from the RI catalogues to the EOSC catalogue of services at EOSC-hub, COPERNICUS, GEO.

Euro-Argo is coordinating with EMSO the MARINE work-package that aims at implementing those goals within the Marine RI labelled within the ESFRI roadmap. 

Impact and benefits

The high-impact ambition of ENVRI-FAIR is to establish the technical preconditions for the successful implementation of a virtual, federated machine-to-machine interface to access environmental data and services provided by the contributing ENVRIs, called the ENVRI-hub. For users that require the full spectrum of environmental parameters, the ENVRI-hub will offer a platform that reflects the complexity and diversity of the ENVRI landscape, while preserving their specific structures and addressing the requirements they were designed for.

ENVRI-FAIR Participating Research Infrastructures

ENVRI-FAIR Marine domaine

Euro-Argo is mainly involved in the MARINE domain work-package (WP9) that aims at enhancing the FAIRness of the 5 marine RIs identified in ENVRI-FAIR

  • Taking into account the priorities of the different RIs users
  • Preparing interoperability between the Marine RIs by agreeing common vocabularies for metadata and data

FAIR principal principles will be implemented within each RI to improve RI FAIRness at 3 levels 1) to better serve its own users, 2) to facilitate the development of cross RI services at Marine sub-domain level, 3) to facilitate the development of cross domain services within the ENVRI-FAIR domain.

Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) measured by more than one marine RI will be selected to demonstrate the benefit of implementing FAIR principles within the Marine domain. The final goal is to move towards a more coordinated and homogeneous European ocean data management system in the continuation of the activities carried out in the H2020 AtlantOS project.