
Since its establishment in 2009, the ERIC regulation has provided an easy-to-use legal framework on governance, operational, and scientific matters which has facilitated the formation of consortia of Member States to create research infrastructures responding to scientific and global challenges. The success and impact of ERICs and the ERIC regulation on the European research and innovation landscape cannot be overstated. However, over the past fourteen years, the now 28 ERICs have been exposed to the reality of the implementation of the ERIC regulation. ERICs face common challenges related to, for instance, governance and organisational matters, financial sustainability, the implementation of the VAT exemptions, or the definition of limited and non-economic activities. The requirement to follow and implement respective laws of the host countries also led to various interpretations of the Regulation, preventing Member States and the management of the ERICs to leverage the full potential of the ERICs.

Building on the first ERIC Forum project, the ERIC Forum 2 aims to strengthen the coordination within the ERIC community and enhance collaboration between partners. The strategic approach of the ERIC Forum will contribute to addressing critical challenges, developing best practices, and framing the necessary knowledge to support ERICs-to-be with various aspects. Moreover, this will contribute to building the brand identity of ERICs as an essential body and stakeholder in consultation with related policy action.