Final Agenda:
Euro-Argo User Workshop final agenda
5th Euro-Argo User Workshop
Brest, March 16-17 2015
Click on the title of the presentations to download them
Day 1 - Monday 16th March 2015
Welcome from Ifremer - P-Y. Le Traon, Ifremer, France
Argo international - S. Wijffels, CSIRO, Australia
Euro-Argo - S. Pouliquen, Ifremer, France
Session 1: Ocean Circulation and water masses. Chair: G. Maze
15:00 20-year Increase of the South Pacific Gyre Circulation - D. Roemmich, SCRIPPS, USA
15:20 The Madagascar dipoles from Argo profiling floats and altimetry measurements - B. Aguiar-Gonzáleza, NIOZ, Netherlands
Assessment of the ocean observing system in the Equatorial Pacific: The role of Argo in resolving intraseasonal to nterannual variability - F. Gasparin, SCRIPPS, USA
16:30 Using Gaussian Mixture Model to characterise the North Atlantic climatology and variability - G. Maze, Ifremer, France
Genesis and spatial extension of 1000m deep convection event in the Irminger sea in 2011‐ 2012 revealed by Argo floats - A. Piron, L.P.O France
A complex North Atlantic permanent pycnocline revealed by Argo data - C. Feucher, L.P.O, France
Day 2: Tuesday 17th March 2015
Session 1 (following): Ocean Circulation and water masses. Chair: G. Maze
Impact of the ARGO array in the Mercator Ocean global ocean analysis and forecasting system - Drévillon & al., Mercator-Océan, France
Session 2: Bio-argo. Chair: G. Dall'Olmo
Mixed versus Mixing layer depth: a Bio-Argo float approach - L. Lacour, LOV, France
Is the Seasonal Mixed Layer Carbon Pump an Important Component of the Ocean Carbon Cycle? - G. Dall'Olmo, PML, UK
Carbon cycling during the spring bloom in the Southern Ocean observed by the SOCCOM profiling float array - K. Johnson, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Study of the plankton ecosystem variability using Modelling and Bio-Argo floats deployment in the Mediterranean Sea - F. Kessouri, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Lab. d'Aérologie, France
How Bio-Argo profiling floats can help to improve our understanding of mean chlorophyll seasonal distribution? A case study in the Mediterranean Sea - H. Lavigne, OGS, Italy
Seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: Contribution of Bio-Argo floats- O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, LOV, France
Session 3: Marginal seas and high latitudes. Chair: P-M. Poulain
Spreading of Polar Water Masses into the Nordic Seas - Analyses of hydrographic measurements from Seagliders and Argo floats - K. Latarius, AWI, Germany
12:10 Cooling of the Atlantic Water in the Fram Strait observed with the Argo floats - I. Goszczko, IOPAS, Poland
Argo activities in the Baltic Sea - S.M. Siiriä, FMI, Finland
Changes in hydrological properties of the Mediterranean Sea over the last 10 years with focus on the Levantine Intermediate Water and the Atlantic W... - G. Notarstefano, OGS, Italy
Hydrological variability of the Eastern Ionian and Adriatic Seas derived from two new Argo missions in 2014 - D. Kassis, HCMR, Greece
Session 4: Round Tables
Implementation of Argo in European Marginal Seas
Thoughts about a Deep-Argo strategy
What are the requirements on Argo data system enhancements?