Organising Committee
The workshop conveners include the following people:
M. Balmaseda (ECMWF, UK),
H. Claustre (LOV, France),
J. Johannessen (NERSC, Norway),
D. Kassis (HCMR, Greece),
B. King (NOC, UK),
B. Klein (BSH, Germany),
A. Kortzinger (GEOMAR, Germany),
P.Y. Le Traon (Ifremer, France),
G. Maze (Ifremer, France),
P.M. Poulain (OGS, Italy),
G. Nolan (EuroGOOS, Belgium)
D. O'Conchubhair (MI, Ireland
J. Turton (Met Office, UK),
S. Wijffels (CSIRO, Australia).
P. Velez Belchi (IEO, Spain).
Practical organisation
For practical information please contact Francine Loubrieu at