Call for abstract
The meeting will include sessions on all aspects of Argo science. The conveners invite submission of abstracts on topics including, but not limited to:
- Argo data for operational oceanography (e.g. the Copernicus Marine Service) and seasonal to decadal climate prediction.
- Synergies and complementarities with other in-situ and satellite observations
- Heat and freshwater content, Earth energy budget and sea level variations
- Inter-annual to decadal variability of water mass properties
- Deep water formation and monitoring of the Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Regional studies using Argo data
- Contribution of Argo to high latitude research challenges
- Biogeochemistry and carbon research.
- Technological advances and results from pilot experiments.
- Sensors development
- Calibration/validation issues and advancements
Abstracts should be submitted in one the following sessions:
- New datasets and services to users
- Extension of Argo to Biogeochemistry
- Meso-to-Large scale ocean structure and variability
- Marginal Seas with a focus on the Mediterranean & Black Seas
- Technological innovations: present & future
Each session will include keynote speakers, upon invitation.
Abstracts for both oral presentations and posters are expected and should be submitted here.