Two BGC floats deployed in the Black Sea

Published on 29 may 2023

Euro-Argo RISE featured on CORDIS

Published on 19 december 2023

EuroSea Final General Assembly

Published on 17 november 2023

Euro-Argo takes part to the new impulse for interdisciplinary ocean observing and forecasting

First BGC float for Poland!

Published on 16 october 2023

Read the news on the deployment of the first BGC Polish float in the Baltic Sea.

Two floats recovered by Finland

Published on 12 july 2023

Recovery operations in the Bothnian Sea

EMD 2023 collaborative statement approved

Published on 23 june 2023

Sustainable ocean observation: a collaborative statement approved by attendees after EMD2023

3 videos to discover how Euro-Argo is transforming global ocean observation

Published on 9 june 2023

Watch them and share them!

New VirtualFleet release

Published on 16 march 2023

A new version of the VirtualFleet software (version 0.3) was released on January 25th.

Euro-Argo RISE Final leaflet

Published on 3 february 2023

Discover the Euro-Argo RISE leaflet and its digital version!

GEORGE General Assembly

Published on 25 october 2023

A new version of argopy has been released!

Published on 17 november 2023

argopy is a python library dedicated to Argo data access, manipulation, and visualisation for standard users as well as Argo experts.

Job offer at Euro-Argo ERIC Office

Published on 16 november 2023

The Euro-Argo ERIC Office is opening a fixed-term Communication Officer position.

Last EuroSea deep Argo float deployed!

Published on 16 august 2023

Discover 2022 Euro-Argo ERIC activity report

Published on 30 june 2023

In this report, you will find a comprehensive account of Euro-Argo ERIC activities in 2022.

A 12th Member joined Euro-Argo ERIC

Published on 13 june 2023

Euro-Argo is pleased to welcome Poland as a new Member.

First Deep DMQC workshop - virtual

Published on 23 may 2023

5-6 June 2023

3 Euro-Argo floats deployed by Orange Marine

Published on 7 february 2023

A new step forward in the collaboration with Orange.