Euro-Argo took part in Ifremer's 40th anniversary open day

This year, Ifremer, the French national institute for ocean science and technology, celebrated its 40th anniversary. Forty years of exploration, research and discoveries, innovation and solutions, science that informs decision-makers and commitment to the ocean. To celebrate this anniversary, several open days were organised by Ifremer in France, including one in Plouzané, Brittany, where Euro-Argo ERIC is based. On June 1st and 2nd, the general public was invited to open the doors of the Plouzané labs and stations, and take a behind-the-scenes look at ocean science research. A wide array of subjects was presented, from deep-sea exploration to the development of renewable marine energies, via the coastal environment, fishing and aquaculture, marine science and technology.

The Euro-Argo Office joined forces with an Ifremer team to present the Argo network. A stand was set up to explain how profiling floats work, what their scientific goals are and how scientists are working to improve their environmental impact. The stand was set up near the test basin where profiling floats are tested and prepared. This 20-metre depth seawater pool tank is unique in Europe. It reproduces realistic swell and wind conditions at sea.

This open day was a great opportunity to share and exchange, and attracted over 2,000 visitors on Saturday and 1,800 on Sunday.