Copernicus Marine Service General Assembly
CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) hold its General Assembly in Brussels on the week 20-24 May.
The first 3 days of the meeting (20-22 May) gave an overview of recent activities and achievements of the Copernicus Marine Service, with a mix of presentations and discussions. A review of Thematic Assembly Centers (TACs) activities was made, as well as presentations of new products and services, such as the 2nd Ocean State Report. This plenary meeting was also the opportunity to highlight specific acheivements from the users perspective.
The need for sustaining the ocean observations and more specifically the biogeochemical observations was highlighted as a high level priority for the future.
This meeting was an opportunity for Euro-Argo office to make first contacts with representatives from both CMEMS and EMODnet, in the perspective of strenghtening the links with these two privileged users of Argo data at European level (effort identified as a task in the Euro-Argo RISE project).
The end of the week (23-24 May) was dedicated to closed meetings.
Photos, presentations and a video are available on the event website.